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2.30pm ‘Whose Story is it Anyway?’ Children’s production from the Kapow Theatre Company

May 31, 2014 all-day
Temple Ewell Village Hall

Kepow-for-webThis wonderful comedy theatre show guarantees to make children (and adults) laugh out loud, as it celebrates the power of the human imagination. Kepow Theatre Company are one of Britain’s funniest, most creative theatre companies.  Now they have created an improvised theatre show just for kids.

Starring Kevin Tomlinson and Abi Hood, Kepow take suggestions from their young audience, adapt well-known stories and improvise scenes full of action and adventure.  What happened when Harry Potter discovered he had a twin called Larry? Or when Charlie built his own Chocolate Factory?  Come and find out!   Tickets £5 available from Lorna’s Barber Shop or email us